Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea/cactus juice

Nopal Cactus Juice
Fights inflammation to free you from pain

Yesterday I wrote about Quercetins, one of the 24 Betalains in Nopalea. It's important to realize the significance of having all the 24 known Betalains in the Nopal Cactus juice and that this only occurs in the Sonoran Desert. If you replanted the Nopal Cactus in the Sahara Desert, it would only product about 12 Betalains. Why? Because the Sonoran Desert has the most extreme environment in the world and the Nopal Cactus needs all 24 to survive. Each Betalain plays an important part but to have all 24 in the Nopal cactus is very important for human health.

Another Betalain is Beta Xanthine and it's one of the most important Betalains for detoxification. This particular Betalain participates in detoxification of the liver and kidneys. Two of our bodies major pollutant filters. Beta Xanthine makes the detoxification in our bodies much easier.

Our bodies burn food to create energy. What you eat is like gasoline to a car. We need to consider ourselves a high performance engine; the higher octane the gasoline: the more nutritious food we eat, the better the engine runs. When we process our foods; burn our fuel, the creation of energy is called metabolism: breaking the food down to basic components (catabolism), and using that fuel to promote our health (anabolism). Eating the right foods makes us healthy and energetic.

But, as you may have guessed, there is always a fly in the lemonade. Our bodies must cope with toxins throughout our wellness journey. Toxins attack our bodies from the outside (exotoxins), they are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, toxins are even created by our bodies (endotoxins), it's a daily battle waged on our bodies by toxic attackers. A leader among the endotoxic attackers is uric acid. High levels of uric acid are poisonous and high levels have been associated with heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, kidney stones and gout.

Uric acid is neutralized in the liver by enzymes, interestingly enough, the same liver enzymes that detoxify uric acid also detoxify many other poisons. So, improving the liver detoxification of uric acid, may well improve your ability to detoxify many other toxins in your body. Every time you drink Nopalea cactus juice, you get a detoxifying bonus.

Uric acid is excreted by your kidneys, as you may know, your kidneys are extremely delicate and can be easily damaged by dehydration, too much protein or sugar in your diet, toxic metals like mercury, even other toxins like aspirin. Your kidneys can even be damaged by extreme temperatures in our environment, especially heat. We must protect our kidneys.

Beta Xanthine helps protect our liver and kidneys by neutralizing toxins such as uric acid and by increasing liver detoxification enzymes that rid our bodies of exotoxins and endotoxins and may even reduce the shock our kidneys face from excess heat.

Betalains, including Beta Xanthine, are anti-inflammatory and anti-toxin, just what the doctor ordered in a toxic and inflamed world! And, just like their grandfather Quercetin, Betalains are beneficial when it comes to improving our health and energy for daily performance.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
Independent TriVita Affiliate 13142173
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